Tuesday, May 25, 2010

House Cleaning Tip~Removing Wax

To Remove Hair Removal Wax from countertops/floors and the wax pot itself:

***i recommend testing a small area to be sure it doesn't ruin the surface of the item***

While wearing gloves (and changing them if they get wax on them not to wax up your hair dryer) blow dry the wax to melt it, wipe with a dry towel (one that you can throw away afterward). Then finish off by cleaning the surface with a multi-purpose cleaner.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Seafood Harvest & Oil/Gas Industry

25% of the continental U.S. seafood harvest comes from Louisiana.

27,000 jobs are generated by Louisiana's fishing industry.

207 million pounds of oysters were caught in Louisiana waters in 2008.

90.4 million pounds of shrimp and 52 million pounds of crab were caught in Louisiana in 2008.

70% of oysters harvested in the U.S. are from the Gulf coast.

72% of seafood caught in the Gulf comes from Louisiana.

80% of the oysters in the Gulf are harvested west of the Mississippi River.

45,000 people in Louisiana are employed in oil and gas exploration/production, and four additional jobs are created in Louisiana for every job in exploration/production.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Louisiana Bayou Quiz

**this quiz has been taken from LOUISIANA LIFE magazine and is just for fun. To check your answers, email Kisha@KishaKana.com

1. This bayou originates as a tributary of the Mississippi river at Donaldsville. As it heads south, the bayou will become much wider and lined with shrimp boats. What is the bayou?
A. Teche B. Grosse Tete C. Lafourche D. Contraband

2. Voodoo rituals were once practiced, and occasionally still are, along this bayou in New Orleans:
A. Sauvage B. Metarie C. Laveau D. St. John

3. Your friend has a plan for his escape from the Houma city jail. After breaking out, he will head to the bayou and float downstream on a raft made of reeds. Which bayou goes through Houma?
A. Des Glaises B. Vermillion C. Teche D. Terrebonne

4. This town, known for its emerging arts scene, is located at the junction of Bayou Teche and Bayou Fuselier. St. Martin and St. Parishes also split it. What is the town?
A. Arnaudville B. Homer C. Eunice D. Bordelonville

5. Don't tell the police, but once your friend's escape from the Houma jail is complete, he plans to hide out along the same bayou once occupied by the pirate Jean Lafitte and his men. What bayou is that?
A. Bienvenue B. Barataria C. Bartholomew D. Blue

6. Although bayous are thought of as being uniquely Louisiana, which Texas city was founded along Buffalo Bayou?
A. Dallas B. Beaumont C. Houston D. Orange

7. With a navigable length of 125 miles, which bayou is the Louisiana's longest?
A. Lafourche B. Terrebonne C. Macon D. Teche

8. Two Louisiana bayous have the same name. That name is:
A. Bayou des Glaises B. Bayou Petit Amite C. La Rose Bayou D. Bayou Plaquemine

9. A wildlife refuge named after this bayou includes parts of Ouachita and Union parishes. What is the bayou?
A. D'Arbonne B. St. Denis C. Maringouin D. Natchitcohes

10. Your friend's escape is foiled when he stops in Napoleonville, thinking that under the Napoleonic code, he cannot be arrested again for the same crime. As he gazes wistfully out from the Napoleonville jail, what is the nearest bayou?
A. Teche B. Grosse Tete C. Lafourche D. Contraband